Zahid Salman

Zahid Salman

Zahid Salman, CEO and President

Varicose Veins | Causes | Treatment | Dr. Salman Zahid | Vascular Surgeon |YCAP

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that lie just under the skin and usually occur in the legs. Overview. Varicose veins are a common condition caused by weak or damaged vein walls and valves. Varicose veins may form whenever blood pressure increases inside your veins.

Zahid.salman and zunaira


Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Seven 7 Testament ( Wasiyat ) to Salman Farsi | Allama Zahid Hussain Zohdi |

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Seven 7 Testament ( Wasiyat ) to Salman Farsi | Allama Zahid Hussain Zohdi |

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Green Shield’s CEO and Office Environment – Q1 2019

Check out how Green Shield’s Company Culture was rated by employees on Comparably
What do employees think of Green Shield’s company culture?
Green Shield’s culture is rated C+ (66/100) based on 1,247 ratings.
Employees gave Zahid Salman, Green Shield’s CEO, an A (75/100), putting Zahid Salman in the Top 10% in the country.Green Shield’s Gender Score ranks them in the Top 50% of similar sized companies. Green Shield’s Diversity Score ranks them in the Bottom 45% of similar sized companies.

See what employees think of Green Shield:

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